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About US

Teaching and Learning Development Center was established by the National Taipei University of Business (NTUB) in August of 2015. The mission of our center is to achieve excellence in teaching and to enhance the quality of learning. Considering the above mission, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development was divided into the Teaching Resources Section and the Language Learning Section based on different task objectives.

Objectives of Teaching and Learning Resources Division

Our goal is to promote the professional development of teaching activities, online teaching, multimedia teaching materials, and to integrate teaching resources, to conduct teaching evaluation, to establish the mechanism for evaluation of the learning performances of students as the result of teaching and tutoring, and attend to other affairs that are related to teaching and learning development.

Objectives of Language Learning Division

The Language Learning Section is in charge of designing and hosting language learning related activities and of managing the audio-visual rooms and learning facilities. Furthermore, we organize multicultural activities to cultivate the cultural awareness and understanding of students. Our goal is to strengthen students' foreign language learning abilities and cultural awareness in order for them to thrive in their lives and the work place in the global world.

Objectives of Learning Assurance Division


Objectives of Ad-hoc Education Office